23 May 2010

Cool/ Uncool

Just some thoughts on the ‘coolness’ rating I’d give to a couple of my experiences in the Lake District where I spent a week…


Being all alone for hours with no-one in sight and no disruptions.  No paths to guide me round and the choice to go whichever way I wanted.  A new experience and out of my ordinary comfort zone.

Kayaking on the serene Derwentwater Lake on a calm and sunny day, with beautiful views of the mountains all around.  The lake pretty much to myself with only 3 ferries and one rowing boat the whole time I was out there.  My choice to paddle furiously or take it slow, to turn sharply or just sit still:- choices affecting nobody but the ducks.  Having the opportunity to ‘land’ where I like and to get out and explore the islands.  Beautiful.


Being all alone for hours with no-one in sight and no disruptions.  No paths to guide me round and the choice to go whichever way I wanted.  A new experience and out of my ordinary comfort zone.

Up Robinson- a 750 metre / 2500 foot mountain- having already been up 3 mountains and walked for 7 hours.  Thinking I’m nearly at the end but the trodden path suddenly disappearing from all view.  Can’t remember the last person I saw.  Phone battery low and signal barely existent.  Every side down gets too steep and I climb back to top.  Eventually clambering down steep waterfall- this last mile and a quarter taking hours more. Scary.    

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