This Saturday is Gilad Shalit's 24th birthday, has been in captivity for four years and has been living without basic humanitarian rights. The Red Cross, who are meant to ensure such rights, have yet to visit him. Here is a letter that a cousin of mine who works for the Jewish Agency in Israel has written. She suggests that it can be adjusted to your personal feelings and send it to one of the addresses at the bottom.
I cannot express too strongly my disappointment at the clearly feeble and half-hearted attempts made by the ICRC to visit Gilad Shalit.
To claim on your web-site that you are still “working just as hard” to visit Gilad when you first failed 4 years ago only means that you have not increased the pressure nor have you shown- for years- any creative initiative. For one small soldier the effort is apparently not worthwhile.
You have clearly never countered Hamas’ refusals by trying to “upgrade” your own efforts but have just carried on as before, knowing that you will continue to fail. When asked “What exactly have you asked Hamas to do?” you simply ignore your own interviewer’s question and give no real detail whatsoever, just the same old generalisations and platitutdes. The conclusion must be that there is no detail to give.
To admit on your website that “there is only so much that we can do for them” is a total abandonment of your creed. You no longer have true belief in your mission, and your double duties as messenger to one Israeli soldier and as protector of the poor and hungry in Gaza have led you into the worst ways of expediency, well on the road that leads to total defeat. You have lost your own self-esteem and, I am convinced of it, that of many thousands of others.
It took you four years of failure before you even realised that “working behind the scenes” is a pointless, hopeless way of dealing with Hamas. FOUR YEARS!! Against this background, you could never persuade any reasonable man that you have been really trying at all.
Please think of these things…
Suggested addresses:
For Near & Middle East: (Dorothea Krimitsas- Media Relations Officer)
Jerusalem: (Ms. Barbara Amstad)
International Office:
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