16 Feb 2009

What is Hamas?

Theft is Hamas.  Murder is Hamas. Taking women simply because they are 'fair' is Hamas. Brutality to creatures with inferior strength to your own is Hamas.  Eating meat (outside of sacrificial use) is technically Hamas.

Hamas, in a funny turn of events, is  a halachic category that encompasses all the sins above: 

This going after something which is beyond one's jurisdiction and ontic sphere is called hamas.  Hamas is the universal act of interfering with somebody else's right and prerogatives, usurping something that is not mine, the act of overreaching oneself and reaching out to the non-self. (Soloveitchik, EEM, 33)

And what is the biggest act of Hamas?

Murder is hamas, for if I rob another person of his life which was granted to him by G-d... [he] takes illegitimate possession of divine rights. (Soloveitchik, EEM, 43)

Now, names are certainly signs in identifying the spiritual characteristic of the thing named.  This leads us to ponder which organisation we know whose acts fall under the sin that is Hamas?

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