28 Dec 2007

Philosophy and Judaism

As per the Chief Rabbi:

  • Philosophy is about impersonal truth. Judaism is about personal truth.
  • Philosophy is about detached observation. Judaism is about engaged participation.
  • Philosophy is about a single ideal picture of the world. Judaism is about the irreducible multiplicity of perspectives.
  • Philosophy searches for truths that are universal. Judaism articulates truths that are particular.
  • Philosophy is about the discovery of harmony. Judaism is about cognitive dissonance.
  • Philosophy is about the truths that we see. Judaism is about the truths that we hear.
  • Philosophy is about truths thought. Judaism is about truths lived.
  • Philosophy sees knowledge as cognition. Judaism sees knowledge as relationship.
  • It follows that if philosophy is about the conquest of ignorance, Judaism is about the redemption of solitude.

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