Do you believe in pollywogs? Do you agree that there are =/*.**/'s? Do you believe in tampoline-electrifying-cacti? You surely must accept that one day popodijhgiuguy's will return?
WHAT?!?!?! Stupid right? Unfortunately this is what most people do most of the time. They use words like 'ghost' 'G-d' and 'soul' yet what they mean is 'pollywog', '=/*.**/' and 'popodijhgiuguy'
I was thinking that writing something when angry that is open to public viewing is a bad idea. Especially when drinking oneself stupid (well not drinking that much.. but its all relative). It can only turn out to offend people or make me look bad in some way or another. But i think I will anyway....
There is nothing more innane than stupid questions, asked stupidly. The only way you can converse is by engaging in stupidity with them. They give no meaningful criteria to what they mean; let alone, provide any criteria by which on could debate with them. Despite this, they believe there so-called 'idea' to be particularly 'un-stupid' and worthy of debate. Of course debate here simplye means a jolly old discussion where we can feel good that they have expressed their opinion. Their actual 'belief' is not up for discussion. Why? Because it is their belief; pure and simple.
Under this category fall such interesting dinner-time discussions as "Do you believe in ghosts?" So Neil, what do you think? I think the question is meaningless. So you don't believe in ghosts? I didn't say that. So you do then? I didn't say that either. I haven't the foggiest as to what you're going on about. I don't know what a 'popodijhgiuguy'; it is nonsense; it has no sense; our language gives no sense to it; it doesn't have a meaning; it means nothing. I neither believe nor disbelive it. it is merely a mark on the paper or a distinctly annoying noise coming from your mouth. 'But I swear to you', one participant will say, 'my mum saw a ghost, and my mum is the most honest peson I know'. Is she indeed? I would never doubt a self-evidnet truth such as that for a minute. But IT STILL DOESN'T MEAN ANYTHING. Moreover, I'm absolutely incredulous that the same people that would say something 'purpose in the universe' (and the practical responsibility it entails) is superstitious or mysterious; will happily go on about ghosts.
Stupidity, however, I can deal with (that's not what I'm angry about). There is no law saying "Don't be stupid". It doesn't make you any less worthy of dignity, respect, value or anything else because you are stupid. What's more, I'm stupid more often than not. Let people be stupid I say... what harm does it do? If a particular 'word' comforts people, gives them a sense of meaning, induces a big fluffy feeling inside, or is simply something people believe; good luck to them.
As far as ghosts go, this position is absolutely fine. Ghosts shmosts. Whatever. Who gives a toss? In fact, this is precisely why people are more likely to assent to ghosts than G-d because 'believing' in 'G-d' might mean people have to get off their lazy backsides and do something abou it. But it is precisely the reason why being stupid when it comes to matters is more dangerous. Because it means more.
Okay.... but if they have pseudo-mystical understanding of G-d and the soul and such like; and such a view is stupid what possible difference could it make? If it makes people happy, more fulfilled (etc) so what that they are stupid? The fact that 'it matters' what you say about such things means that you are likely to spread the word and not only be stupid but spread your stupidity. Again, so what if there is a whole community of people saying stupid things about the sole? The problem is not with the stupid opinions themselves, which I can live with. The problem is the bad practical effects that they can cause.
When you get such comments "women cannot learn gemarra (commentary on Jewish law) because their brains are differnet and their souls are different" then stupidity matters. Is my soul blue whilst a women's soul is pink? Is mine rectangular, whilst theirs is triangular? Dose my soul bounce around and proclaim "I'm good at Torah; I'm good at Torah" whilst a women's bounces around and says "As long as I know the laws of Kashrut, I'm just dandy"? What do you mean? Whilst I'm not going to discuss it now, the soul is an absolutely vital concept (although much misused). Secondly, I know very well what RAMBAM means when he talks bout a soul, what the mystics mean, what the bible means,etc but I have absolutely no clue what you mean. You are using this word "soul" to prove a very dodgy point. A 'point' that is used to meet your agenda and yet means nothing. What the hell could it possibly mean that the womens soul is not suited to studying gemarra. Your words are nonsense and yet you believe them to be so 'un-stupid' that not only can we not challenge them but have a practical effect on the people you are preaching to.
Look, I don't know if halachically women can or cannot study gemarra. Maybe they can, maybe they can't. Such dogmatic assertions as 'there is no position which they can' is definately false. When the chief rabbi approves of it and Rav Soloveitchik says that they can; then at the very least it is a viable halachic option. But this is besides the point.... If women cannot halchicahlly, they cannot halachically; because of a halachic reason. NOT because of some rubbish/mystical/essentialist/sexist/pseudo-philsophical/nonsense/mumbo-jumbo/'pollywog ' reason about the nature of a man and woman's soul.
At the very least, you should say what you mean or whether it means anything at all. It does no good to tell me "the soul is a Jewish concept" or "G-d says so" or "...just because you have a problem with Jewish teaching". Firstly, if G-d told me personally that '=/*.**/' was true, it gives me absolutely no explanation as to what it means. So if you insist (no matter what halacha says) that women have different souls and should not do gemarra; at least tell me what you mean. Secondly, I have absolutely no trouble with the 'Jewish concept' it is just that you are not telling me what you are taking the 'jewish concept to be'. The 'jewish concept' uses the word soul to cover a wide variety of hebrew terms and yet your are not telling what the common factor is or why this reflects on a woman's soul. In fact, I think you are peverting the 'Jewish concept to further halacha to your own ends. Thirdly, if I am correct, you are taking a very anti-Jewish view of what the soul is.
Oh... it is Shabbat now and i haven't finished my rant... will be continued
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